Image Guidelines

Follow these guidelines for optimal image generations

Requirements for High-Quality Images

  • Proper Aspect Ratio

    Image should have a standard aspect ratio, ideally 16:9 or 4:3 for landscape orientation, or 3:4 for portrait orientation.

  • Clean Content

    Image should not contain anything except the picture of the landscape. For example, screenshots from a mobile that include menu options and nav bars do not work well.

  • No Distortion

    Images should not have distorted view, with magnification around certain areas, such as the kind you may get from Google Maps Street View images or CCTV camera images.

  • Wide Perspective

    Images should not be close-ups of a small area. It is better is have a wider angle shot of the area you would like to transform.

  • Not Tilted

    The images should be horizontal where possible, and not tilted in certain directions.

  • Image Clarity

    Image should be clear and not blurry.